Secure Private Cloud for the Anywhere Office
iQmedia realized a long time ago that each business is different and requires unique solutions. Our Private Cloud Platform is flexible, accessible, and secure.
We provide the perfect platform for the transition to the cloud without changing the applications that work for your business.
Almost 20 years of experience has guided us with the same core beliefs—provide proven technology that serves the clients need.
Cloud security is a core focus in our platform design. While other cloud platform providers avoid responsibility for securing public cloud services, we ensure that our Private Cloud environment is configured with security in mind. This includes the way your sensitive data is accessed. We have partnered with security leaders such as Cisco, Duo Multi Factor Authentication and Sentinel One to provide the most secure cloud ever.
How confident are you that in-house resources can properly secure, monitor and manage your systems?
Our certified security experts can help configure your environment to meet your compliance requirements. You can feel confident that your Hybrid Environment is stable and secure.
We are the only cloud provider offering the industry’s broadest portfolio of managed private and hybrid cloud solutions across VMware, the leading hyperscalers (AWS, Microsoft, Google), converged within your existing network. We can deliver, manage, and optimize your private cloud solutions anywhere your business requires.
Your Cloud
Unlike other cloud services…this is your data, your network…your cloud. Our system is your network extended into a secure and robust cloud for Anywhere Access. You no longer need to worry about license renewals, hardware upgrades, natural/ manmade disasters, or government shutdowns.